Sunday, July 6, 2008

J.P. Sonnen Finds Some Extraordinary Jesuits In Rome

From Rome: Jesuit glory of old lives on...
It's a great honor to be affected by holy Jesuits of old. Fr. Blet, S.J., joined the Society of Jesus in 1937. Being a Frenchman, he survived the horrors of the war as a seminarian and then went on to be perhaps the most famous Catholic Church historian of today. Vigilant and holy, it's a delight to chat with him as he explained, in English, a bit about his trips to America. Truly, he's a tender, tender angel. Fr. Gumpel, S.J., is an Austrian. He is a brilliant man in every way and has a mind like a rapier. One might even say he's a genius and such a gentleman and scholar. It was a delight to chat with him about his compatriot, Al Cardinal Stickler, S.D.B. Later in the day, I was humbled as my telephone rang and it was Fr. Gumpel to tell me that Cardinal Stickler is buried at the catacomb of S. Callisto, off the Via Appia. The trademark of these two men is their holiness. Please pray for them. Both are faithful Jesuits and warriors for the cause. Would be great to spend one's eternity in heaven with men like these.

Link (here)
Fr. Gumpel, SJ is on the right

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