Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jesuits Back In Sudan

Sudanese school reopens after twenty years
The Loyola School in Wau, South Sudan, was forced to close over twenty years ago during the on-going civil war. Many of its students fled Sudan and the army soon took over the building.

The building, now picturesque and tranquil on the side of a hill overlooking the town, was the site of many horrific events including torture, rape and the slaughter of civilians.

But after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, the army moved out, the school was handed back to the Jesuits, who just last week reopened for the first time since 1987.

The Loyola school founder, Fr. Richard Cherry, returned after a 20 year absence to help in this task. He helped to refurbish the building and is currently teaching Maths and Physics at the school; his presence a constant reminder that education is more enduring than war.

The school now has 4 classrooms and 120 students are currently enrolled, about 20 of who are female. The students range in age from 16 to 42, with many having finished their primary education over 20 years ago before the original school closed. It is inspiring to see these people, to whom education has been denied for so long, enthusiastically returning to their studies. Some are ex-child soldiers, or are recently returned refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs). Some have jobs, others are married with children, yet all see the value of education in order to improve their own lives and their country.

The dedication is evident on hearing stories of those who have received special permission from their employers to attend the school, deferring their work to weekends and evening hours.

Many students wish to progress to university, mainly to institutions in other east African countries, and most hope to return to rebuild Sudan. The classes are being run through the medium of English which is in itself a departure from the norms of Sudan, where secondary school subjects usually revolve around Arabic tuition. The Jesuit school will have classes in the social sciences and humanities as well as maths and science. At present all materials for the educational curriculum come from North Sudan and are in the Arabic language. TrĂ³caire is supporting the Loyola school to translate and print these texts from Arabic to English, for use both in the school and other English language schools in Wau.

The Jesuits have ambitious plans to expand the school to accommodate up to 1000 students, which will require a school extension of up to 30 classrooms.

All this will depend on whether the fragile peace agreement holds. However it is very positive for the people of Wau to see schools reopening, and to have an opportunity to gain an education. It is hoped that these visible peace dividends will inspire the communities to work towards building a sustaining peace in South Sudan.
Link (here)
Photo credit of Loyola School pupils (here)

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