Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Jesuit Landmark In Goa, India Built In 1594

Professed House of the Jesuits
by blenure on July 19, 2008
Also known as the Casa Professa, it was constructed by the Jesuits after some local opposition in 1594.
It was built in the center of the city on a square known as Terreiro dos Gallos. The house has no particular founder but owed its creation to the efforts of the Jesuit fathers of Goa.
It was a magnificent building in its time. The building that stands today is a part of the original edifice, some of its long corridors and spacious apartments having been destroyed by fire and some by time. After the expulsion of the Jesuits on September 26th 1759 from Goa, the house was placed under the care of the Archbishop of Goa. The Marquis of Pombal, architect of the expulsion decreed that the House be used as the Archbishop’s Palace and had it named House of Bom Jesus. The subsequent move of the capital to Panjim meant that this never materialized. Of note is that in one of the halls on the third floor, the Relics of the body of St. Francis Xavier was kept for 13 years.
On April 3 1956, the then Patriarch of Goa, Dom Jose Alvarez appointed Fr. Estanislau Martins S.J. as the administrator and rector of the Church of Bom Jesus. He actually began living in the Professed house from April 3oth 1956. The Jesuits finally returned to their house. Even today, they are only the administrators of the house, the ownership still lies with the Archdiocese of Goa.
The Professed House plays host to the Retreat Movement today. The second floor of the residence functions as the Retreat House for thousands of students both Christians and non-Christians across the nation, its mission being to help people to grow as “Lights of the World”.
Link (here)


  1. man, Bruce Gotobed has lied to me many times. I am part of a fund raising project for Cancer Society Research in NZ. I mad 2 gnomes, Gnorman and Gnorma-Jean that have traveled the world and have had items donated for sale to raise money. Bruce sent me an EMAIL FROM THE POPE... (in Italian) saying His Holiness the Pope would grant the gnomes an audience and would like to bless the project. I was fully taken in. After all, Prime Minister Helen Clark invited Gnorman to her birthday and was photographed with him.... why would I be suspicious of a dying priest. Sadly, I was taken for a fool!!!

  2. Please forgive my typos. This man, Bruce Gotobed has lied to me many times. I am part of a fund raising project for Cancer Society Research in NZ. I made 2 gnomes, Gnorman and Gnorma-Jean that have traveled the world and have had items donated for sale to raise money. Bruce sent me an EMAIL FROM THE POPE... (in Italian) saying His Holiness the Pope would grant the gnomes an audience and would like to bless the project. I was fully taken in. After all, Prime Minister Helen Clark invited Gnorman to her birthday and was photographed with him.... why would I be suspicious of a dying priest. Sadly, I was taken for a fool!!! I can post the email Bruce sent me from His Holiness if you want to see it. I am so embarrassed to have been taken in. I had actually made inquiries about air fares to accompany the gnomes to Rome myself. I promised my youngest son, that if I could go he could come too. We are a protestant family but have great respect for the Catholic Church and the Vatican. I have not told him it was all lies yet. Never to mind.... Bruce Gotobed needs help more than I need sympathy.

  3. A useful link on government apathy towards the Old Goa UNESCO world heritage site



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