Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jesuit Down Under On The Holy Father

Pope's deep sorrow
20/07/2008 1
An excerpt.
The Pope made his apology at a mass at St Mary's Cathedral for seminarians and other young religious people.
One seminarian, who asked not to be named, said the feeling in the church was ''amazing''. ''First the congregation was surprised. Then we were moved to a deep appreciation of the significance of the moment,'' he said. ''YOU could see it in the faces of the other seminarians. Despite the formality of the ceremony, the thing which grabbed us was the deep humanity displayed by the Pope, unseen thus far, and quite without warning.''
Jesuit provincial Mark Raper said he had not been surprised by the apology, despite leading figures in the Pope's entourage warning in recent days that an apology was no certainty. ''He promised to do it. This apology comes right from the top and it catches all the important elements recognition of the betrayal of trust, justice, compassion and the need for prevention, as well as healing,''
Father Raper said. ''He affirmed what the church here has been trying to do in terms of reconciliation and healing. I think it is a powerful statement, affirming for victims, advocates and it is good leadership.''
Father Raper said the church's policy towards victims of sexual abuse supported compensation.

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