Monday, July 14, 2008

Jesuit Bishop In The Philippines

PHILIPPINES Rural People Tell Bishops Of Land-Related Problems
July 10, 2008
MAKATI CITY, Philippines (UCAN) -- Representatives from various rural groups told bishops who convened the national rural congress here that families living in the countryside face a web of problems related to land ownership.
Some excerpts.
During workshops, representatives of farmers, fisher folk, indigenous people, women and other groups from around the country presented concerns and issues that prevent them from living with dignity in their communities. Their audience included bishops, priests, nuns and lay pastoral workers. The bishops hope the consultation will help the Church exercise its role in the development of people in the rural areas more effectively, Archbishop Antonio Ledesma of Cagayan de Oro, NRC II Central Committee chairman, told UCA News at San Carlos. The Jesuit prelate was among more than 71 bishops who listened to and discussed the issues and recommendations of delegates.

Link to the story (here)

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