Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fr. Reese On Salvation And Abortion

Ariz. churchgoer rate is far behind nation's

By Stephanie Innes

An excerpt.
Catholicism is the largest organized religious group in Arizona, making up about one-quarter of the population.
"The statistics have been true for a long, long time — that many Catholics do think abortion is wrong but they don't want it to be illegal, and that really tracks (with) what most Americans think," said Thomas J. Reese
, a Jesuit priest and senior fellow at Georgetown University's Woodstock Theological Center. Nearly 80 percent of Catholics in the survey said their faith is not the only one true religion, and that many religions can lead to eternal life. "Forty or fifty years ago, we would not have seen those results. I think Catholics have changed. They have become much more ecumenical," Reese said. "It doesn't mean they think all religions are the same, but they are respectful of other religions and believe God is bigger than all of us, and that if people are loving and kind and generous, God is going to find a way to bring salvation."
Link to the full article (here)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For a good understanding of the abortion issue, just do a quick google image search on fetal development. If you can then justify not extending equal protection to human beings at the earliest stages of human life, then you must be smarter than I.

As for salvation outside of the Church, see http://www.catholic.com/library/Salvation_Outside_the_Church.asp where a nice collection of thoughts on the matter are assembled.