Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fr. James Martin, S.J. Apologizes For Selling The America Magazine Mailing List, To Pro-Abortion Group

An update from Dawn Eden
America 'mistakenly' sold mailing list to abortion-advocacy group
Father James Martin S.J., associate editor of America, has confirmed in an e-mail to me that, as I reported yesterday, the Jesuit magazine sold its mailing list to an abortion-advocacy group, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. Here is his statement:"As a result of an error by our business office staff, the magazine did inadvertently sell its list to that organization, and apologize to subscribers who received their mailing. Our publisher will request that they no longer use our list for their mailings, and we have already put in a tighter system to ensure that we don't mistakenly sell to any group remotely like this one in the future."

Link (here)


  1. Dear Sir:

    I want to know Albi Cathedrale in France. and it has been a pleasure to understand the society of Jesus.
    I am Moochang Sur Rance, the Rotswert by IT in Red.

  2. This alumnus of a Jebbi high school (which today has NO Jesuits!) and abortion survivor - and by that I MEAN it, I was the biological son of a 14 year old in 1977... Well to speak metaphorically, Father Jimmy can go straight to the part of Purgatory that is closest to HELL and think about what he has done for a century or two.

    This band of "Merry Men" have lost all hold on my imagination and all of them need to go spend some time in the corner, thinking about what made their saints and beati saints... and what makes them such sad, sad, SAD shadows in comparison. The class of novices I have dealt with in my comings and goings make me to think that these men have all signed up for the great "time share" situation of the network of Jesuit institutions that is ONLY lacking in a location on Fire Island.

    The joke we heard from Jebbies in Berkley - who loved to cook and "go out" - haunts me. "What is the first thing a Jesuit does in the morning? Go back to his own room!". Who told me this? A Jesuit in Berkley who made Richard Simmons look butch. No wonder they could be so indifferent/hostile to fertility... Misery loves company, and their is nothing like anti-fertility to confirm the spiritually sterile.

    Sorry for how angry this post is. This one REALLY pissed me off.

    Pray for the Jesuits, pray for this sinner first.

    Good thing that anymore America Magazine has a largely institutional subsciber base. I don't know a single soul under 65 who would subscribe to that drek. Ohio State - which would not subscribe to L'Osservatorie Romano for ideological reasons used to spend money on this CRAP. More plainly, how many fertile people actually read that rag?


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