Saturday, July 19, 2008

Excommunicated Priestess Has Jesuit Connections

3 women to be ordained Catholic priests in Boston
Excommunication automatic, church warns
Globe Staff / July 18, 2008
A expert.Three aspiring Catholic priests will be anointed and prayed over this weekend in an ordination liturgy that will resemble the traditional in most ways but one: The three being ordained are women. The ordination ceremony Sunday, at a historic Protestant church in the Back Bay, is the first such event to take place in Boston, one of the most Catholic cities in the nation.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, in accord with Vatican teaching, says the participants in the ordination ceremony will be automatically excommunicating themselves.

But the women being ordained say they are acting because they feel called to the priesthood and compelled to resist what they view as a wrong church teaching. "We're part of a prophetic tradition of disobeying an unjust law," said Gabriella Velardi Ward, a 61-year-old Staten Island architect with two children and five grandchildren,

who will be ordained along with Gloria Carpeneto of Baltimore

and Mary Ann McCarthy Schoettly of Newton, N.J.
Read the full article (here)
This is from Gloria Carpeneto's retreat discription at the Jesuit Center in Wernersville, Maryland.
An Advent Retreat with the Labyrinth December 1 - 3, 2006
Gloria Carpeneto, D.Min, Ph.D
During this weekend retreat, we will begin our journey through Advent by walking and praying the labyrinth with others on the path. We will learn about the labyrinth, and how it has become a Christian symbol for pilgrimage. And as we prepare to walk with Mary toward the birth of Christ at Christmas, we will reflect on what each of us is being asked to bring to birth in our lives, both in this Christmas season, and in the New Year. Throughout the weekend, there will be adequate time for personal prayer, reflection, journaling, reading, group sharing, and several walks through the labyrinth, both individually and as a group of Advent pilgrims!

Gloria Carpeneto, D.Min., Ph.D. is a spiritual director, counselor, Master and practitioner of Reiki who has been working with the labyrinth for nearly ten years. She has designed and offered labyrinth workshops and retreats in retreat and spiritual centers on the East Coast. Dr. Carpeneto is a member of the Worldwide Veriditas Network of labyrinth facilitators, trained by (Episcopal priestess) Dr. Lauren Artress at the Episcopal Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.

Gloria is currently working on a book that weaves the Spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius with the practice of walking the labyrinth, reflecting on both as tools for conversion, transformation, and growth.
Link to this page at the Jesuit Center (here)
Link to the romancatholicwomanpriests site (here)
Link to the womanpriests website (here)
The real Church teaching on woman priests (here) , Pope John Paul's ORDINATIO SACERDOTALIS
Church teaching on Reiki (here)
The phoney Catholic ordination (here)

Latest update with video interview of Gloria Carpeneto (here)

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