Tuesday, July 15, 2008

America Magazine On John McCain

Catholics for McCain
Author: Jim Keane, S.J.
Here they are: http://catholicsformccain.com/ The site states that "Senator John McCain is pro-life and committed to nominating judges who are pro-life. In issues of human dignity, he is guided by a spirit of compassion that was born out of great suffering as a prisoner of war. John McCain is strong on the war on Islamic terrorism, fiscally conservative and committed to national security. A morally strong and proven leader, John McCain is ready to become our Commander in Chief. As Catholics applying eternal truths to today’s political landscape, we stand United in Purpose: Senator John McCain for President ’08!"
Jim Keane, SJ
The above photo is of the Catholic Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and potential VP candidate and John McCain.

I give a lot of credit to America Magazine for even featuring John McCain, it is no ringing endorsement, but it is a start at the realization that a majority of Catholic voters, voted for George Bush in the last presidential election.

More John McCain Links

McCain's official campaign site (here)

Catholic Jeb Bush Joins McCain on Tour of Basilica in Mexico City (here)


  1. I hope Governor Bobby Jindal is not chosen as McCain's VP pick. He's too important for the future of the GOP to be risked in this race.

    And, his skills may be better utilitzed addressing the challenges facing Louisiana.

    I want to learn more about Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. On the surface at least she looks like a good pick for McCain. She has strong pro-life credentials.

  2. Paul,
    I agree with your point that Louisiana could use at least Two terms of Bobby Jindal.


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