Thursday, June 12, 2008

Syncratism? Humm.....

This quote is from a blog by a young Vietnamese gentleman named Viet, he is commenting on his religous identity.
An excerpt.
If you were wondering - our family is both Catholic and Buddhist. They're both very much ingrained in Vietnamese culture, and for the most part are compatible. I once met a visiting Jesuit priest back in high school who was Catholic and Buddhist, and he was also a theoretical physics professor...a walking contradiction, but oh so cool. He was talking about the Big Bang and black holes and all these astronomical issues that would seem to conflict with fundamental Christian views, but Jesuits are cool like that. As I recall, a few Chinese and Japanese emperors had a Jesuit advisor teaching them about astronomy back in the 15-16th century. Plus they're all for contraceptives. Woot!
Link (here)


  1. Isn't the posting by a guy?
    His being male would put into perspective the love of contraceptives. Pope Paul VI prophetically declared they would be favored by irresponsible men.

    Meanwhile, in that blogger we see little and inaccurate knowledge:
    -15th c Jesuits came to China! Jesuits were founded in the 16th c.
    -Did Japanese emperors have any contact with the Jesuits besides perhaps one or more audiences?
    -Catholic and Buddhist? It's funny that his beloved 16thc. Jesuits in China looked down upon Buddhism, although they saw redeeming qualities in Confucianism.
    -And funny how he sees a conflict between astronomy and Christianity (when there is none except when astronomy departs from facts and makes broad assertions about the nature of reality) but compatibility Christianity between Buddhism (which waffles between polytheism and atheism)!

  2. Viator,
    You are correct, I changed the post. "Words mean things" and people feed off of them. all it takes is just one intereaction with a Jesuit who did not choose his words correctly and planted some interesting ideas into a persons mind at a very young age.

  3. Hey guys, I noticed you had a few comments about my blog entry. I admit I'm far from the best Catholic, but amongst my peers, I'm quite alright. I last studied Jesuit History back in Highschool Year 10, but my disinterest in History at the time meant I took little from it. Of course, all of Viator's facts are right, but I don't understand what I perceive is his attack on my knowledge and integrity. My blog post was aimed at a predominantly atheist, agnostic, and protestant audience, not a highly knowledgeable and Catholic audience such as yourself.

    I have studied a University-level subject on the History of Philosophy and Science; one of the major sections covered in that subject was the intermingling of astronomy and Christianity, and how the Catholic Church attempted to integrate Aristotlian astronomy into their doctrine. As much as anything, that subject demonstrated the interdependance of Christianity and astronomy. So I'm quite aware of the contradictions and compatibility of the two. Again, my casual post was not aimed at an audience with such knowledge; rather, it was aimed at an atheistic/agnostic audience who do perceive such a contradiction between Christianity and astronomy. And that is why I have said that they "seem" to conflict.

    I graduated from Xavier College, in Melbourne, Australia - a Jesuit institution. The Jesuit I met (and who's name I have forgotten) was visiting the school, and he was a great and interesting person. He had to sacrifice a few ideas in both religions to make it work (he doesn't believe in the Buddhist idea of reincarnation, for example). I remember little about the details, but in any case, he has shown me that there is definitely a compatibility (albeit not a perfect one) between Catholicism and Buddhism.

    I'm now studying at Melbourne University, amongst a crowd of atheists and agnostics. My blog writing has changed to suit such an audience. Most importantly, my blog is a casual documentation of my thoughts, and not a peer-reviewed article.

    Excuse me if my thoughts in this comment are incoherent; I'm writing this amidst study at 4am in the morning.

    - Viet Hoang

  4. Viet,
    Thanks for filling us in on some of the details. It is very much appreciated.


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