by Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life
Faciem tuam, Domine, requiram
1. Consecrated Life as a witness of the search for God 2. A path of liberation3. Addressees, intent and limitations of the document
Consecration and search for the will of God
4. Whom are we seeking?
5. Obedience as listening
6. “Hear, O Israel !” (Dt 6:4)
7. Obedience to the Word of God
8. In the following of Jesus, the obedient Son of the Father
9. Obedient to God through human mediation
10. Learning obedience in the day-to-day
11. In the light and in strength of the Spirit
12. Authority at the service of obedience to the Will of God
13. Some priorities in the service of authority
a) In consecrated life authority is first of all a spiritual authority
b) Persons in authority are called to guarantee to the community the time for and the quality of prayer
c) Persons in authority are called to promote the dignity of the person
d) Persons in authority are called to inspire courage and hope in the midst of difficulties
e) Persons in authority are called to keep the charism of their own religious family alive
f) Persons in authority are called to keep alive the “sentire cum ecclesia”
g) Persons in authority are called to accompany the journey of ongoing formation
14. The service of authority in the light of ecclesial norms
15. In mission with the freedom of the children of God
Authority and obedience in community life
16. The New Commandment
17. Persons in authority at the service of the community, the community at the service of the Reign of God
18. Docile to the Spirit who leads to unity 19. For a spirituality of communion and a communitarian holiness
20. The role of persons in authority for the growth of the community
a) The service of listening
b) Creation of an atmosphere favorable to dialogue, sharing and co-responsibility
c) Soliciting the contribution of all for the concerns of all
d) At the service of the individual and of the community
e) Community discernment
f) Discernment, authority and obedience
g) Fraternal obedience
21. “The first among you must be your slave” (Mt 20:27)
22. Community Life as mission
In mission
23. In mission with all one's being, as Jesus the Lord
24. In mission for service
25. Authority and mission
a) Persons in authority encourage the taking up of responsibilities and respect them when taken up
b) Persons in authority invite us to confront diversity in a spirit of communion
c) Persons in authority maintain a balance between the various dimensions of consecrated life
d) Persons in authority have a merciful hearte) Persons in authority have a sense of justice
f) Persons in authority promote collaboration with the laity
26. Difficult obedience
27. Obedience and objections of conscience
28. Difficult kinds of authority
29. Obedient until the end
30. Prayer for persons in authority
31. Prayer to Mary
This is another "Grida manzoniana"
“Grida Manzoniane” comes straight from “Promessi Sposi”. In Manzoni’s book, under Milano’s Spanish domination, the Government issued all the time rules (Grida) and laws for everything.
Very often those laws were interpreted in very different ways by Governors. Anyway were largely ignored by population.
Now in Italy when the Government, or any other authority (including Church) issues a rule, after a while repeats the same rule, and after re-repeats it, and so on we say : it’s only another “Grida manzoniana” and we ignore it.
We call it also read and forget.
With respect to your "Grida Mazoniana", their maybe some truth to what you say. However, I don't think the German Pontiff gives much credit to the Spanish "Grida Mazoniana"? Thanks for reading the blog please come back and comment when ever you like.