This is from the America Magazine blog, if you had not noticed, they are all for Obama, not really hiding it, are they? " a leader like Obama, they are a potent force for greatness."
Obama is rated the most left wing Senator in Washington D. C.. He has a perfect score of 100% from NARAL for infanticide. Check out this $100,000 ear mark! (here). Here are some of Obama's close friends, I guess he is not the change agent everyone thinks is he is? Jimmy Carter II, sounds about right. The list of Obama's close political and personal friends; Pastor Jeremiah Wright (God damn America), Fr. Pfleger (America is the greatest sin on earth), Tony Rezko (Just convicted of 17 felonies, shady real estate dealings with Obama and slum lord), Louis Farrakhan (Enough said), William Ayers (Weather Underground, anarchist, unrepentant terrorist, Obama neighbor and co-worker), Bernadine Dohrn (Ayers wife, 60's radical, she is a public supporter of Charles Manson and political fundraiser for Obama), Jim Johnson ( The former head of Obama's V.P. selection committee, under scrutiny for cozy money lending deals for failed mortgage company Countrywide Financial ) and Rashid Khalidi ( Obama fund raiser, a professor of Arab studies at Columbia University who has drawn fire for some of his criticisms of Israel )
Welcome Austen Ivereigh!
Author: Tim Reidy
We're pleased to announce that Austen Ivereigh has joined our roster of bloggers. A former deputy editor at The Tablet of London, Austen's most recent article for America was about Tony Blair's baptism into the Catholic Church.
This week, Austen offers a British view of the U.S. race for president.
Enlightened religion is deficient in piety, feeling, and popular power, while Evangelicals are too prone to give reason the day off. Without each other as counterbalance, they fall into sterility on the one hand and fundamentalism on the other; yet blended, in American civil religion, and in a leader like Obama,
they are a potent force for greatness.
Check back every week for more analysis and commentary from Austen's side of the pond.
Tim Reidy
I believe Fr Pfleger corrected himself on one matter: he meant that racism, not America, is the greatest sin on earth.
ReplyDeleteJeremiah was a bullfrog, was a GOOD FRIEND OF MINE! Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea....