Tuesday, June 3, 2008

God Bless Scholastic Glen Butterworth! Keep It Up The Good Work

Seattle University Jesuit is working hard to defend the dignity of Man. Lets pray for all the women who have lost their dinity and for the men who have robbed it. Oh and by the way, Mike Baldwin is an idiot!
By Seattle Crime Blog reporter Mike Baldwin
The Jesuit university with the community-based, progressive ideals, has taken a turn for the oppressive. After an incident that occurred during with winter quarter of this year, adminstrators at Seattle University have decided to take a pre-emptive approach to shutting down any kind of controversial behavior by its students. You may have already seen the story on the front page of today's Seattle Times detailing how one Glen Butterworth, a Jesuit scholastic at the university has created himself a facebook account in order to get word of student-planned, off-campus parties and then use some strong "encouragment" tactics to prevent the parties from ever happening.
"So, too, did another group of students hosting an off-campus party earlier this month — also advertised on Facebook — when Butterworth showed up on their doorstep. Butterworth told those students he knew of their plans and that city police and state liquor authorities would be enforcing any code violations."
- Seattle Times For students at the university, most are aware that these motives are the result of a "c*nt hunt" party - women were to dress like animals, men like hunters - that took place earlier this year that led to panel discussions, mini-protests of the uptight kind, and a new approach to dealing with students that involved Butterworth's gross invasion of the personal lives of students. As a soon-to-be laum of Seattle U, I am disgusted at the tactics of the university. Yes, the university is private, so it is not required to follow the same statutes as public universities. But wasting everyone's time and invading adult students lives - the hosts of the part were 21 - is sickening. I see no valid reason for alerting police and liquor officials of possible misconduct. Seattle U charges a large amount of money for the education it provides. Mr. Butterworth insists that education does not end in the formal classroom. Yes, Seattle U, it does.
Link (here)

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