Wednesday, May 7, 2008

In The 17th Century The Blessed Mother Appeared In Naples, Italy to Several Jesuits

Five years after her visit to New Mexico she returned to Old Mexico at San Juan, appearing to the bishop there along with a group of other faithful as the Pilgrim Virgin of San Juan de Los Dos Lagos. That same year she visited Argentina as Our Lady of Lujan where the processioners tried to carry her statue through the streets and she would not move, speaking to them to be reverent and ever vigilant and to carry in a solemn procession her Divine Son present in the Blessed Sacrament instead. A year after this miraculous occurrence,

the Blessed Mother appeared in Naples, Italy to several Jesuits with the prophecy of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius near Pompeii.

Three years later she returned to the new world with an appearance at Quito, Ecuador where she appeared to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres there and proclaimed herself Our Lady of Good Success. A year later the Virgin Mary appeared as Our Lady of the Angels in Costa Rica. It would be fifteen years before she would appear again, this time in Venezuela as Our Lady of Coromoto while in 1644 Pope Urban VIII established the Feast of the Most Pure Heart of Mary. In 1657 the founder of the Sulpicians Jean Jacques Olier applied mystical language to Marian concepts in a novel way, no doubt aided by locutions from Our Lady herself. Laus in France was the site of over 600 visits from Our Lady to visionary Benoite Rencurel between 1660 and 1665.

Link (here)

If anyone can link more information in the combox regarding the Jesuits and their interaction with Our Lady regarding this particular incident, I would greatly apreciate it.

Thank you Spirit Daily, see their reference post to GJBJ entitled, HUGE EVENTS AGAIN IN ASIA TIE INTO TRENDS AND EVENTS THAT FALL INTO PROPHETIC LINE (here)

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