Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fr. Pfleger Was Jesuit Educated: The Priest Of Black Liberation Theology

The Reverend Dr. Michael Louis Pfleger received his B.A. in Theology from Loyola University, his Master of Divinity from the University of St. Mary of the Lake, and an honorary Doctor of Divinty from North Park Theological Seminary. He has also completed post-graduate studies at Mundelein College and the Catholic Theological Union. Father Pfleger was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago on May 14, 1975. In 1981, at the age of 31, he became the youngest full pastor in the diocese when he was appointed Pastor of Saint Sabina Church. In 1981, Father Pfleger became the proud adoptive father of an eight-year-old son, Lamar. In 1992, he also became the adoptive father of Beronti, who is presently a student at University of Central Florida. In 1997, he became a foster father to Jarvis Franklin, who was tragically killed as a result of gang crossfire, May 30,1998. Since 1968, Father Pfleger has lived and ministered in the African-American community on both the west and south sides of Chicago. He spent two summers working in a Native American community in Oklahoma, and did his seminary internship as a Chaplin at Cook County Jail and at Precious Blood Catholic Church, both in Chicago.
Link (here)
What is Black Liberation Theology: The Marxist roots of Black Liberation Theology (here) , Wikipedia (here) and Catholic Exchange (here)
Who is Louis Farrakhan (here)
Why a black Jesus? (here) and (here)
Canon Law on the role of priest in parishes, reasons for his removal (here).
Update: 06/03/08
Fr. Pfleger's video sermons (here)


  1. The Catholic Church should be a House of God. It's meant for worship and prayer. Instilling hatred while dulling the parishes senses to the sin of it is wrong. He made God's House worse than a den of thieves. It was a den of hate, where he could practice his lust for vile attention. He was dulling the people to the wrongness of his and their sins.


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