Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fr. John Hardon, S.J. On The Three Classes Of Men

The title, Three Classes of Men, stands for three kinds of persons in any walk of life.
They might be three classes of religious or priests, husbands or wives, workers or professional men. However, classified, they represent three levels of volitional disposition to sacrifice whatever is less than God and stands in the way of His more perfect service and love. Viewed from another aspect, they are three states of spiritual detachment which in ascending degree dispose a man for the reception of divine grace.
Implicit in the meditation is the belief that no matter how entangled in secular pursuits and impeded in the way of perfection, a person can rise above this condition
if he takes the trouble to recognize these impediments and is humble enough to pray for help to overcome them.

Read Fr. John's full length article (here)

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