Friday, May 2, 2008

Criminal Eco-terrorist Thrown Into Jail For Commiting Arson

Environmentalist jailed for setting fire to Jesuit Order headquarters
Friday, May 02, 2008
An environmentalist who has been described as "very troubled" has been jailed for five years for setting fire to the Irish Headquarters of the Jesuit Order, and causing over three million euro worth of damage. Judge Katherine Delahunt said 26 year old Noah Bunn (back story) from Northampton was delusional and may have a significant problem developing. The court heard that on the night before Good Friday (Two Standards) last year after spending some time drinking in Cork he decided to commit the crime.

He returned to Dublin, purchased petrol and a lighter, let himself into the building in Donnybrook and ushered the sole resident out before setting the property alight destroying it.

He handed himself into Gardai in Galway a few days later.

The court heard he said he did it because the Jesuit Order were not using their moral authority to alert the world to the dangers of climate change.

He's described in a psychiatric report as a very troubled young man at a risk of re-offending. The judge said he was delusional and that there may be a significant problem developing. She took into account that he had no previous convictions and came from an excellent background. But she said a custodial sentence was appropriate and jailed him for five years directing that he receive ongoing psychiatric treatment while in prison
Link (here)

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