Thursday, April 17, 2008

Newman President On Fidelity Of Those In Catholic Higher Education

Will Benedict Scold Catholic College Presidents?

Some have predicted that Pope Benedict may instead only focus on celebrating Catholic education. There is reason for celebration: The dozen new Catholic colleges and universities founded in the U.S. over the last 40 years, most of them featured in The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College, are enthusiastically Catholic and academically superb. Many other historically Catholic colleges like CUA are rediscovering their roots. Scandals like The Vagina Monologues and pro-abortion commencement speakers are on the decline.
Nevertheless, while Pope Benedict is unlikely to dwell on negatives, he is also unlikely to ignore the need for reform. His address to the Society of Jesus in February is a case in point: With praise for their good works, Pope Benedict reminded the Jesuits of their special vow of obedience to him and their obligation to teach authentic Catholic theology. His displeasure with the order’s failings in these areas was apparent.
The presidents of those Catholic colleges and universities that clearly do not conform to the Vatican’s standards are understandably nervous, or at least embarrassed. The protest against “mindless dogmatism” by Patricia McGuire, president of the District’s Trinity University, in Sunday’s Washington Post ( “Freedom and Faith on Campus,” 4/13/08) is especially telling. Too many Catholic college presidents elevate scientific evidence over theological truths which were revealed by God, as if the latter truths cannot be defended.

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