Saturday, April 12, 2008

New Jesuit Deacons For Zimbabwe and English Provinces

London: Deacons ordained at Farm Street
11 April 2008
Bishop Alan Hopes, Auxiliary in the Westminster Archdiocese, ordained Sumeth Perera and Dominic Tomuseni to the diaconate on 5 April. The ceremony at Farm Street Church in London followed the ordination to the diaconate of Stephen Patterson in Spain last month. Dominic and Sumeth are both in their third year of studies for their Bachelor of Divinity at Heythrop College in London. 34-year-old Sumeth comes from Sri Lanka; he entered the Society of Jesus in 1993.
Dominic (36) is a member of the Zimbabwe Province, having entered the Society in 1997. He worked in vocations promotion and youth work in Guyana, and also as a teacher at the Marian Academy in the capital, Georgetown, before starting his studies in London in 2005.
Stephen Patterson entered the Society of Jesus in 1997 at the age of 31. Originally from Oldham in Lancashire, he trained as an electrician before taking up studies at Campion House, Osterley.
He was ordained deacon on 15 March at St Francis Xavier's Church at the Centro de Foramacion Padre Piquer run by the Jesuits in Madrid.
In his homily at the Farm Street event, Bishop Hopes reflected on the triple ministries of the deacon: as a minister of the Word, of the altar, and of loving service to others. He told Dominic and Sumeth that they should 'seek out ways in which [they] may find and serve Jesus Christ in others and their needs'.
© Independent Catholic News 2008
Photo is from the inside of Farm Street Church. Help with who the saint is?

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