Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Life Time Of Achievements

Fr. Paul McNellis, S.J.
A reader let me know about Fr. Paul McNellis, S.J. who was a Green Beret in Vietnam, an AP freelancer there, refugee worker on the Cambodian frontier during the Killing Fields, Jesuit priest, and philosophy professor at Boston College. He is also totally faithful to the Church and yesterday he was award the Mary Kaye Waldron Award at BC which is the highest honor students can bestow on a teacher.
Here is a video tribute his students have made to honor him.
Hat Tip to Karen and Joe at Some Wear Clerics
and Jeff Miller at the Curt Jestor


  1. Very nice blog. There is, however, a very popular Jesuit Blessed missing from the list on your left-hand column, the Mexican martyr Fr. Miguel Pro, S.J.

  2. I am working on it, there are a 150of those wonderful Jesuits.


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