Saturday, April 19, 2008

In My Day

Omaha Observes Earth Day
Thousands think green during Elmwood Park celebration
Apr 19, 2008
Thousands descended on Elmwood Park Saturday for Omaha's 17th annual Earth Day observance, featuring speakers, music, food, freebies and an education on how we can all take steps to protect the environment.

Teacher Mike Mansour won this year's green award for designing a Web site with his class at Jesuit Middle School with tips on how to go green.

Things like making copies on double-sided paper and turning off computer monitors when not in use. Mansour's family practices what they preach.

"In our house we recycle and we have the light bulbs that are better for the
earth, just those little things,"

says Kari Mansour. "You know, I've got a little daughter right now and so I want the world to be a good place for her and I want it to be a good place for me,” says Mike. If you want to read more tips from Mike Mansour's class, log on to
Link (here)
In my day, my mother told me to shut the lights off with the follow up zinger, "We are not made out of money, shut the lights off!" In my day, attending a Catholic middle school we collected recycled newspapers because the school used it as a fund raiser. The class with the most newspapers collected won a free ice cream. We were bribed with a frozen Heath Bar Crunch. In my day, we car-pooled to school because our parents went to work. In my day every one raised their air conditioners to 77 and wore an extra sweater in the winter because Jimmy Carter said so. In my day no one even new what an Earth Day was, these things were just common sense.

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