Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Georgetown Chaplain On The Visit Of The Holy Father

Imam Yahya Hendi, a leading advocate of interfaith dialogue and chaplain at the Jesuit-founded Georgetown University,

had met John Paul and said he would participate in the interfaith gathering, because "I believe in the power of love and the power of dialogue." Hendi will also be among the thousands of people at a ceremony for the pope Wednesday at the White House. But Hendi said that he and other Muslims were concerned that the pope wasn't visiting a mosque or meeting with leaders who represent the millions of Muslims living in the U.S. "Since he came to office, things have happened that have been used on both sides to build up walls," Hendi said. "I think this could be a good opportunity for Pope Benedict to help people to build bridges."
Read the lengthy article (here)
Here is an Imam with a different view (here)

1 comment:

  1. I believe in the power of love and the power of dialogue."


    How about a lot more of such televised and throughout the mass media -- think of SMOM member Rupert Murdoch -- as an alternative to endless sports and pretty but not very well intellectually developed females


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