Saturday, March 8, 2008

Who's Teaching Your Children: Sr. Janet Ruffing, R.S.M. Fordham University

Sr. Janet Ruffing, RSM, PhD, is a member of the Sisters of Mercy in the Americas and a Professor in Spirituality and Spiritual Direction in the graduate School of Religion and Religious Education at Fordham University in New York City, USA. She earned her doctorate in Christian Spirituality from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley and is the author/editor of more than 60 articles and four books, including Mysticism and Social Transformation. She was one of the founders of Spiritual Directors International and has been mentoring spiritual directors since 1984.
Link to bio (here)
Tuition one year (2007) at Fordham, $27,700.00
Average per capita income in India, $500.00


  1. Am I to assume you don't approve of Sr. Ruffing? Apart from her lack of religious garb in the photograph (often telling, I'll admit) I can't see what may be plain to you.

  2. It is up to your discernment. This the first of many teacher bio's I plan to highlight. The bio I link to is from her organization and the links are all pro-Sr. Ruffing.
    If any one has had Sr. Ruffing as a teacher. I would be interested in reading their observations.


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