Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Confronting Criticism With Regards To Jesuit Obedience

On Obedience: Approval of the Second Decree
March 3, 2008
On the afternoon of 3 March, the General Congregation has approved its second decree, about obedience. While recent general congregations have touched on themes related to obedience, the last time a general congregation issued a decree on the topic was GC 31 in 1966. Vatican II had just ended, and we had just begun to respond to the council’s call to renew our Jesuit life from two sources: scripture and the charism of our founder. That renewal has matured, so the decree on obedience of GC 35 begins with a reflection on what the experience of the First Companions and the scriptures’ portrayal of Jesus teach us about Jesuit obedience. The decree then moves to the contemporary scene. At the time of GC 31, many were asking how we can ensure that structures which sustain the body of the Society not stifle individual creativity. The terrain has shifted in forty years. Now many are asking how we can ensure that individual efforts are integrated into the mission of the body. The decree suggests that both the account of conscience and renewed structures of community life are essential to achieving balance in that regard. Anyone who looks at the history of the Society will see that we have always understood our role of service in the Church in relation to the papacy. Therefore, the decree goes on to offer some reflections on living our relationship of obedience to the papacy today, especially with regard to our mission in the broadest sense. Before work on the decree began, discussion groups of delegates surfaced some areas of our life of obedience in the Society where they felt a word of advice or reminder was needed. In response, the decree ends with some reflections on obedience in our day to day life directed to Jesuits in formation, formed Jesuits, and superiors.

Fr Tom Feely SJ
Link (here)

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