Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Spending Pork Barrel Money On Jesuits In Chicago

Barack Obama has 100% approval rating NARAL. Voted in favor of the sinister and grotesque partial birth abortion. Does the Jesuit Academy really need that money?
Mr. Obama had previously released the requests for earmarks that he made last year.
And Thursday’s statement disclosed details of his requests from 2005 and 2006 for the kinds of home-state projects that critics often describe as pork-barrel politics. Many senators have been reluctant to release such lists out of fear that they would open them to questions about ties to political donors or controversy back home about which organizations they had favored. As a result, it also is hard to judge how often they succeed in pushing the requests. Based on the release by his campaign, Mr. Obama was able to obtain only about $3 out of every $10 he requested. The winning requests included more than $10 million for a military arsenal in Rock Island, Ill., to several million dollars for research on soybean disease and livestock genes at the University of Illinois and
$100,000 for after-school clubs and sports programs at the Chicago Jesuit Academy.
The request for $1 million for the University of Chicago Medical Center was to help pay for construction of a pavilion that could increase its capacity for treating patients by one-third. Link to the full N.Y. Times article (here)

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