Sunday, February 3, 2008

Should We Also Blame The Jesuits For Educating The Murdering Despot Fidel Castro?

This line of reasoning has never made sense to, it only makes sense if they worked in a colloborated detailed operation. Which they did not nor has any Jesuit ever claimed it. So, if Fidel Castro went to school in Cuba at Jesuit institution and had Jesuit mentor named Fr. Armando Llorente (here) who should we blame, the Jesuits or Fidel for the endless list of atrocities he has commited? I say Fidel.
Should we blame the School of the Americas or should we blame the gunmen of the six slain Jesuits? I say the gunmen.

So, on the anniversary of a notorious massacre in El Salvador, Landis and other troublemakers visited Fort Benning, with malice aforethought. ''I crawled underneath the fence and entered their area,'' he said. He and nine others then walked a quarter of a mile toward the school before MPs caught them. (Wow, what security! If we can't do better than that at an Army base in Georgia , what will happen at our borders or in Iraq?) Anyway, more ''trespass'' charges were filed and Landis copped a plea before a federal judge in Georgia, who gave him 30 days. He'll do his time at a county calaboose in this area at a time yet undecided.
The massacre in El Salvador, by the way, involved the murders of six Jesuit priests and two others who were making waves. That death squad was a product of what then was called Fort Benning's School of the Americas,
which offered courses in murder, torture and kidnapping family members of political foes.

Link (here)

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