Saturday, February 2, 2008

Now We Are Talking

“Relentless attack on Planned Parenthood”
Pro-lifers getting ready for Lenten vigils outside abortion sites
News from the Trenches "Pro-life advocates in 59 cities across 31 states are preparing to launch the next wave of a unique nationwide pro-life campaign, 40 Days for Life," said David Bereit, national campaign director for 40 Days for Life.

"From February 6 until March 14, people across America will join together for 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, 40 days of constant, peaceful vigil outside abortion facilities and Planned Parenthood offices and 40 days of intensive pro-life community outreach."
Such vigils outside abortion facilities in California are planned in Tahoe (vigil at West End Abortion site, Reno, Nevada), Monterey area (vigil at Planned Parenthood in Seaside), Bakersfield, Sacramento and Los Angeles. The list of 40 Days for Life locations is posted online at: Details for each city are available on this site. The campaign dates of Feb. 6 through March 16 coincide with the Christian season of Lent. "That's what local groups asked for," said Bereit.

"Lent is a season of prayer, fasting, repentance and renewal. It is our prayer that the efforts of the thousands of people who will participate in 40 Days for Life in their hometowns will touch hearts and minds, save lives -- and help mark the beginning of the end of abortion in America."
During the first nationally coordinated 40 Days for Life effort in the fall of 2007, communities from coast to coast took part in the initiative. "The results were staggering," said Bereit. "Over 100,000 people united in prayer and fasting, more than 22,000 people took to the streets to participate in peaceful prayer vigils outside abortion centers, abortion facilities experienced sharp setbacks -- some cutting back hours and others closing for days at a time -- and at least 340 innocent children were spared from death by abortion." Even Planned Parenthood -- the nation's largest abortion chain -- noted the impact of 40 Days for Life during the first wave of the campaign. The organization circulated numerous "crisis" e-mail alerts to abortion advocates around the country, calling for their financial help to fight back against the pro-life campaign.

Cecile Richards, national president of Planned Parenthood, described 40 Days for Life efforts as "unprecedented assaults," and the CEO of one large Planned Parenthood operation in New York wrote, "Planned Parenthood is under attack and we need your help to fight back!"
RIGHT NOW, THE LARGEST ANTI-CHOICE PROTEST WE'VE SEEN IN A VERY LONG TIME is taking place. An extremist group and its 40 Days for Life Campaign has launched a relentless attack on Planned Parenthood health centers" [emphasis included in original]. "Following the tremendous impact experienced during the first wave of 40 Days for Life, we can't wait to see what life-saving results will be accomplished from February 6 until March 16," said Bereit.

Link (here)
Cecile Richards is the daughter of Former Texas Govenor Ann Richards and was a long time employee of Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

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