Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Liberation Theology: Indian Style

India: Jesuits host major interfaith seminar
Shilendra Boora SJ
The South Asian Jesuit Secretariat for Dialogue, in association with St Francis Xavier Movement convened a two day seminar on inter-religious dialogue from 15-16th of February at Indian Social Institute, New Delhi. Representatives from all the major religions of India, namely Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism and subaltern traditions took part. The first day addressed the question
"How far can a religion be theologically reshaped in the encounter with the other, remaining both meaningful for its adherents and open to other believers?".
Dr Asghar Ali Engineer, a liberation theologian and communal harmony activist He was given Right livelihood awardee from Swedish Foundation; had subscribed to the inclusive nature of religion in his presentation on Sufi Theological issues. He said that Sufi Islam is highly inclusive and tolerant, love and peace are central to Sufi Islam. Articulating the inclusive nature of Sufi Isalm, he quoted Moinudin-Ibn- Arabi, a Sufi Saint " my heart is centre of love for God, my heart is synagogue a church, mosque and temple, because in all these places god is remembered and loved". Talking on the doctrine of existance he said
"existence is one we are all manifestations of that being real being is one. We are all manifestations of that being. This concept have very significant implication for inter religious harmony. Because it demolishes all walls of separation. We are all manifestations of one being. And so we are all one. There shouldn't be any wall of separation."
Further he commented that no religion is to mislead people. Religions may be different in form and content, they are different not because of content but but because of differences in culture and geography.
Link to full article (here)

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