Thursday, February 14, 2008

Irish Jesuit Employee Becomes Eco-Terrorist

Man who set fire to Jesuit Order HQ faces further psychiatric tests
February 13, 2008
An environmentalist who caused more than €3 million worth of damage in an arson attack on the Irish headquarters of the Jesuit Order had his sentencing adjourned today. Noah Bunn, from Northampton in England, must undergo further psychiatric assessment before a judge will hand down a sentence for the Good Friday blaze.

The 26-year-old, a former clerical employee of the Jesuits and member of environmental group Friends of the Earth, previously pleaded guilty to arson at Eglington Road, Donnybrook, on April 6 last year. Bunn, who has a law degree from the University of Wales, told Gardai he started the fire because he believed the order were not using their moral authority to alert the world to the dangers of climate change.

Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard a psychologist and psychiatrist had submitted separate reports on the defendant, but that they had some discrepancies. Judge Katherine Delahunt was told that Bunn was now on a waiting list for the Central Mental Hospital. The judge said she was prepared to put the case back for a couple of months to see what the possibility was of having a further comprehensive report from specialists at the facility. She added that without a comprehensive report he would be facing a very serious sentence. Bunn's family had travelled over from Northampton for the short hearing. The defendant was remanded in custody until sentencing, which was adjourned to Friday May 2.
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1 comment:

  1. I would have been more upset if he had attacked a Catholic site.


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