Sunday, February 24, 2008

"Bella" Movie Producer Is Jesuit Educated And Former Seminarian

Matt Malek
A former seminarian from the Archdiocese of Detroit, Malek grew up in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, and attended the University of Detroit Jesuit. Malek also attended Villanova University on a soccer scholarship, graduating magna cum laude with a degree in philosophy. Asked to be one of Villanova’s candidates for the Rhodes scholarship, Malek declined, having decided to enter Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. After a year of studies, he was appointed to study at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. After withdrawing from the seminary, Malek was asked to start and direct a non-profit organization in Hollywood called Holy Wood of the Cross; he is now chairman of the board. Malek caught the producing bug from his soon-to-be-partners at Origin Entertainment in December 2004. He executive produced the high concept sci-fi thriller Black Box, scheduled for winter release. Malek founded a talent management company in December 2005 and soon merged the company into Origin Entertainment. His pool of up-and - coming actors, writers and directors – including writers Barbara Nicolosi and Charlie Carner – forms the core of the Origin Management Group. To help provide the widest possible audience for Origin films, Malek helped found and finance The Maximus Group, a full-service marketing and PR firm specializing in reaching out to the specifically Catholic-Christian market. Malek’s first completed film, Bella, won the People’s Choice award at the 2006 Toronto Film Festival. Malek is scheduled as producer on Origin’s upcoming children’s fantasy adventure, Lucky & Plumpton.
Link to Maleks bio at Origin Entertainment (here)

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