Wednesday, January 23, 2008

When Can We Start Praying For Rain?

A colossal waste of time and spiritual capital.
Jesuits put climate change on the agenda
Climate change and its effects on future generations will headline this year’s Jesuit Lenten Seminar Series. The Australian Jesuit newsletter Province Express reports the seminar entitled Climate Change: Who Pays the Price? will bring together expert speakers who will discuss the political, social and religious perspectives of the issue. Being held in Melbourne (Xavier College) on 5 March and on 6 March in Sydney (Marist College, North Sydney)speakers include: Executive Director of the Australian Conservation Foundation Don Henry, President of the Welfare Rights Centre in Sydney Michael Raper, Associate Director for Jesuit Refugee Service Australia Sr Maryanne Loughry and Chair of Catholic Earthcare Australia Bishop Christopher Toohey.
Link (here)

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