Thursday, January 3, 2008

Men Of Christ " New Orleans Province" Not Yet Priests, But Almost!

Some of the Jesuits in Formation of the New Orleans Province, December 2007
From first-year Novices to newly-ordained Priests without last vows, those men who are still in various phases of their Jesuit formation are encouraged to meet as a group each year. Since a large number of them are taking, or teaching, classes during the regular academic year, this formation gathering is usually scheduled sometime during the Christmas break when most everyone is free to attend. It is a time to get to know one another better, to nurture friendships, to share experiences, to deepen one's spirituality, and to support and be supported by one's brothers in the Lord.
Link (here)


  1. Very nice! That picture must have been taken in Grand Coteau, Louisiana at St. Charles Seminary.

  2. Great Pic!

    God bless those Jesuits.

  3. I think the next Superior General should come from the New Orleans Province.


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