Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Joe Garcia Breaks Down Rode's Homily

In what has become a nightmare scenario for the GC 35. Basically a full frontal attack on the "business as usual!" crowd. Jesuit's may now be reconsidering its agenda for the GC. Jesuit educational intituations have an alumni base like any other college. Maybe it's time for some new spiritual coaches to take over. Running the same old plays is just not working. The laity will now be willing to step forward in direct face to face terms. Jesuits who have been silenced will now be able to speak freely. A new era is coming, I can't wait to see it!

Joe Garcia has some great analysis on Cardinal Rode's homily read his list of great points and keen observations.


The same thing, seen another way.
Two things about the ongoing GC35:Among the more cynical and dejected and pessimistic Jesuit watchers, there is a widespread feeling Cdl. Rodé's homily was a colossal waste of time and energy.

This view is derived from these Jesuit watchers being cynical, dejected and pessimistic -- not that such cynicism, dejection and pessimism are altogether inexcusable, mark you -- but I believe they are not looking at the thing through the proper lens.

It may well be the case that for Jesuits such as Jon Sobrino, SJ such a homily might as well have sounded like one of the adults on the Charlie Brown cartoons (Mwahwahwahmwahmwha...) but I doubt that was the point.

Link (here)

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