Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I Have Blog Envy! Unam Sanctam

This post is awsome, this blog is awsome.

Storm Heaven for the Jesuits
God knows, they need the prayers. Lots of them.I'm sorry to interrupt the Orthodox Christmas posts, but this is urgent and important. The General Congregation of the Society of Jesus is currently taking place in Rome.

Seal of the Society of Jesus. The "IHS" trigram comprises the first three Greek letters of "IHΣOYΣ" (Jesus), later interpreted as "Iesus Homini Salvator", Jesus, Saviour of Mankind and as "Iesum Habemus Socium", We have Jesus as Companion, the Jesuit General Congregation is something extremely rare. Since their foundation almost 500 years ago, there have been, including this one, only 35 such General Congregations attended by delegates who represent the whole body of the Society. A general congregation is the ultimate governing body of the Society when it is in session. Once the congregation begins, it alone can determine when it has completed its business, as there is no scheduled ending time. One of the reasons a General Congregation gathers is to elect a new General of the Society who usually holds the position for life and is known as the Black Pope. So, the act of electing a General is very important as he's in for life. This GC is unique because the current Father General, Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach who succeeded Pedro Arrupe, SJ (who did much to transform the Jesuits from the formidable and loyal force it had been since its foundation by St. Ignatius into what it is today) has chosen to retire and has summoned the GC to, among other things, elect a new General.

Read the full and complete post (here)


  1. Non sum dignus. And you have such prodigious output!! =)

    It puts us one-post-a-day folks to shame.

  2. Andrew, True! I wish this blog would leave the older posts up a little longer so we can read them when we have time!

    Thanks for all of the hard work, Joseph.

  3. Flattery goes a long way at Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit


  4. It isn't flattery if you're just telling the truth.

    FYI, that's what I call flattery =))


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