Wednesday, January 2, 2008

"GAME ON"!!!!!!! GC35 Is Almost Here

The heck with Iowa and New Hampshire! This is the best contest going. However we have no idea who running. The winner will be the leader of 19,000 Roman Catholic priests. Creighton has now put up the official Jesuit information site to track the comings and goings of G.C. 35. Below is the intro to the Creighton website, I have the link at the bottom of the post.
Preparing for G.C. 35
This site is designed to help Jesuits, partners and friends of Jesuits to better understand the upcoming General Congregation of the Society of Jesus. At the Congregation, a new Superior General will be elected and a number of topics regarding important aspects of the Society's mission and ministry will be discussed. The Congregation will begin on January 7th in Rome and will continue in session until it is completed, possibly for several months. The general information to the left will help in understanding what a Congregation is and how this one was prepared for. In the column to the right is our summary of the topics that will be discussed at the Congregation. Other topics can be introduced as well. We invite discussion about G.C. 35, through the Sharing link. Please feel free to share your ideas about the topics or your questions about the Congregation. Fr. David Schultenover, S.J., a delegate of the Wisconsin Province of the Society, has agreed to send periodic notes about his experiences at the Congregation. We will post news about the election of the new General as well as the official public press releases about the Congregation. We also plan to have links to the documents of the Congregation as soon as they are available, as well as commentary and discussion on them.
Link (here)


  1. This is great news.

    Over at my blog, I will be providing snarky color commentary.

    I'm already angry that the number one concern seems to be the environment. Bothers me that abortion doesn't make the list, but we have GOT to do something about the plight of the polar bears.

    I'll be saying stuff like that.

  2. p.s. Also, I think the Save the Planet movement is conclusions (contrary -- or blind -- to conflicting reports from scientists) that the only explanation is that mankind is bad and that God would just sit back and watch us destroy the world He created, and that we could solve it by recycling and all riding bikes -- which brings me to my second point: the Save the Planet Movement is inherently anti-Catholic. Large Catholic families have big carbon footprints.

    Of course, how many large Catholic families do you see these days? But God forbid the Jesuits mention any of that in their environmental concerns. First they'd have to consider it a problem, much less a sin.

    While we're on that subject, what DO Jesuits consider to be sinful? Oh wait, I've got it. Littering.

  3. Karen,
    It seems we are in Gorist times. When you old message is dead, turn to eco-theology.




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