Where Now for the Church of England?
Deaconess Cindy Kent
Deaconess Cindy Kent
Looking back over the years the Church has been 'rent asunder' by all sort of problems, and yet it's still here. In pre-Reformation times, people like me wouldn't have been able to read the Bible for myself, and I would have had to rely on the interpretation of scholars. Of people who had steeped themselves in the language and culture of the time and who would have been experts in that knowledge. They would know what a particular phrase, or piece of counsel meant. They would have known exactly whom the writing was for and why it was necessary. They would also explain how I could have applied it to my situation.
The deaconess goes on to say,
My opening phrase is true. Everything that has happened to the Church over the centuries is shaping it into what it is now. We've learned so much and all the disagreements and schisms of the past have brought us to where we are now. Bearing in mind that nothing is wasted, my hope and prayer is that we will build on what we've learned in the past, be prepared to take off our collective blinkers, and wake up and smell the communion wine! (It's only a symbol anyways!)
English Jesuits link to the full piece (here)
Hat Tip to Diogenes (here)
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