Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blinded Gonzaga Student: Can't See The Hierarcy Of Truths

Obama, supported the killing of 40 million babies in America and votes and advocates the endless slaughter of more babies.

Obama initiatives embody spirit of Gonzaga mission
By: Mark Ludeking
Posted: 2/1/08

In light of last week's opinion pieces pleading for new political ideas and the upcoming presidential primaries, I would like to present a few perspectives for you to ponder. Gonzaga's emphasis on involvement in the surrounding community and record of service learning, volunteering and Peace Corps membership align nicely with Presidential candidate Barack Obama's platform.
In Obama's plan for integrating service into learning, he will offer an opportunity for college students to give 100 hours of service per year and in return receive $4,000 each year in the form of an American Opportunity Tax Credit. Isn't this sort of measure exactly what Jesuit universities have been trying to do for decades?
The Obama tax credit is especially relevant now as Gonzaga continues to expand and has growing concerns about being able to help students pay for an education here. High school applicants will always consider how much each university can provide in terms of financial help and as Gonzaga grows Sen. Obama's tax credit can fill the gap.

Link (here)

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