Friday, December 7, 2007

Ten Reasons, Finds Twelve Reasons

"Jesuit universities are not ... indoctrination camps"
Cincinnati's Xavier University provides notice of its new curiously-named "Jesuit Identity Resource" website. The lead post helps clarify any misconceptions you may have picked up about Jesuit universities: John O'Malley, SJ, Georgetown University professor and author of The First Jesuits, offered a presentation on the history of Jesuit education on September 17 on the campus of Xavier University.

In his conclusion, he stated that Jesuit universities:
1. are not churches (or indoctrination camps),
2. have and have always had, the practical purpose of helping people survive economically and get ahead professionally,
3. are for the good of this world,
4. achieve the goodness (of #3) through developing upright and inner-directed human beings,
5. have multiple purposes with different divisions achieving different goals (related to professional, vocational and general skills, a love of learning, and habits of good judgment),
6. can achieve the multiple goals (of #5) - at least in some limited fashion,
7. accept that a belief in a transcendent God is compatible with the best of human inquiry (while into account religious pluralism),
8. reverently foster that belief (of #7),
9. deal with the belief by fostering an ever deeper adult and inner appropriation of it,
10. offer religious instruction commensurate with the sophistication of other instruction, faith doing justice, by developing citizens with a sense of social responsibility,
12. promote research on issues of particular concern to Catholics and Christians, and programs which alleviate injustice and human suffering.

A Major Hat Tip to Rich at Ten Reasons see his original post (here)

1 comment:

  1. What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. ~
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