Saturday, December 29, 2007

Jesuits Get Ready!

Hat Tip to Rorate Caeli finding the article in an Italian newspaper.

An Instruction for a stable group of Exorcists in each diocese?
Maybe, according to the Italian religious news website Petrus
...Benedict XVI ... would intend to providentially deal [with the problem of diabolic forces] with an instruction, which could be published in the first months of the next year, that would determine that Diocesan Bishops... all over the world confer the mandate to perform exorcisms on a stable number of their priests. There have not been official confimations by the Vatican, being just a rumor for the moment.

Jesuits on the subject: St Francis Borja, S.J. (here) , Fr. William Bowdern, S.J. (here) , Anneliese Michel/Emily Rose, Fr. Adolf Rodewyk, S.J. (here) , Fr. Joseph de Tonquédec, S.J. (here) , Fr. Walter H. Halloran, S.J (here) and Former Jesuit Malachi Martin (here)
More on the subject: The Devil Is Real (here) , Fr. Gabriele Amorth (here) , St. Pio of Pietrelcina (here) , Exorcism (here) and Excorcist (here)
More news on the subject: Daily Mail, "Pope's exorcist squads will wage war on Satan" (here)
Yet more news from the Vatican: UPI story, (here)

1 comment:

  1. I hope this becomes real. God knows we need it.

    BTW Thorough article, good job on the added resources.


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