We are delighted that your government has so swiftly moved to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, given the serious ecological crisis facing the planet. The earth is the patrimony of all people. Our own institutions will seek to host sustainable pilot projects for new technologies. Link (here)
Mark Raper SJProvincial of the Australian Jesuits
Or maybe the Kyoto Protocal is meaningless.
The Italian historian Majolino Bisaccioni suggested that the wave of bad weather and revolutions might be due to the influence of the stars. But the Jesuit astronomer Giovanni Battista Riccioli speculated that fluctuations in the number of sunspots might be to blame, for he had noticed they were absent. Looking back through sunspot records reveals many periods when the Sun's activity was high and low and in general they are related to warm and cool climatic periods. As well as the Little Ice Age, there was the weak Sun and the cold Iron Age, the active sun and the warm Bronze Age. Link (here)
Giovanni Battista Riccioli
17th century Jesuit astronomer
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