Monday, December 24, 2007

Fr. Jose Luis Aleman, S.J. "Rest In Peace"

Dominican Jesuit priest Jose Luis Aleman dies in Santiago
SANTIAGO. - The Jesuit priest Jose Luis Aleman died early today after a bout with cancer of several years. The prestigious intellectual was dean of Economy of the Pontifical Catholic University at the time of his death, at 2 a.m. Monday December 24, 2007 in the clinic Corominas. His remains will be brought to the PUCCM campus Santo Tomás de Aquino in the Dominican capital at 2 p.m. Monday, for a posthumous tribute. The Cuba-born Aleman came to the country in 1966 and became an active figure in the fight for civil rights.
Link (here)

1 comment:

  1. As his student, Dr. Aleman was my mentor, he allways had time for everybody despite his busy schedule. He was a true believer in people and a believer in me, for that I am forever grateful. It was an inspiration to have met him, a honor to have been his student and a blessing to have known him.
    You will allways be remebered.
    Jerry N. Sapkovski


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