Sunday, November 4, 2007

There Are Some Lines, You Just, Can Not Cross

Officials at Chicago's Loyola University have stopped the circulation of a student magazine because it contained erotic drawings, a report says.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported Sunday that, for the first time in the school's history, a student publication was pulled from university news racks for featuring a pair of erotic pencil drawings.

The Rev. Richard Salmi, the vice president for student affairs at the Jesuit school, said the unprecedented decision at the university was made on moral grounds.

"I found the art to be offensive,'' Salmi said of controversial issue of Diminuendo. I thought some of it was pornographic.''

The two drawings, one of a nearly naked woman and the other of a nude couple having sex, were part of the magazine's featured topic of sex.

Editors at the university publication said that by stopping the circulation of the issue, school officials were limiting open discussion of the prevalent topic.

Salmi and his fellow university officials say the art violated Jesuit values and was disrespectful to others, the Sun-Times reported. (c) UPI Link (here)

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