Friday, November 16, 2007

Retired Jesuit Cardinal Martini: Atheism And Unbelief

Cardinal Martini writes on atheism and unbelief
Milan, Nov. 16, 2007 ( - Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, the former Archbishop of Milan, wrote about the temptation of atheism in an article published in the November 16 edition of the Italian daily Corriere della Sera. The Jesuit cardinal, who is now living in retirement in Jerusalem, observed that every man has some doubts about God. He acknowledged his own struggles to serve God with fidelity, and quoted the dissident theologian Hans Küng on the impossibility of knowing God through reason alone. In related news, the KAI news agency in Poland reports that Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news) has written a letter to Hans Kung. The Pontiff surprised many observers when he invited Küng, a former colleague, to dinner at the apostolic palace in September 2005. Küng, a persistent critic of Church teachings on matters such as papal infallibility and the role of the Church in salvation, was stripped of his right to teach as a Catholic theologian in 1979.
Linl to original article (here)

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