Monday, November 5, 2007

The Reprocussions Of Hiding, When Hero's Fall

In one of the saddest post I have read from Karen Hall's blog, Some Have Hats. Karen writes about her personal story and her encounter with the Jesuits in Chicago. The Jesuit fathers sometime forget that the laity have feelings. The Jesuit's will not find a bigger friend then Karen, but friends, if they are real friends will offer constructive criticism when needed. To even be unable to offer simple Christian hospitality to their own invited guest, how sad. The Jesuit fathers should be apologizing for this particular mess (Fr. McGuire) and the multitude of other messes and when they are done apologizing, they should be fixing the problems. Instead, I am sure, we hear the standard line of BULLSHIT! out of the Provincials and we continue to suffer more BULLSHIT! stories about academic freedom. I think it is high time for the real Jesuits to please stand up!

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I Am Not "The Media"
Sadly -- and very sadly for Ignaciophiles such as myself -- this is the big Jesuit headline currently: Jesuits Were Warned About Abusive Priest.

The story is everywhere. I am linking the NPR version so that I won't be accused of, you know, spreading conservative hate-mongering.

I am linking this story for the same reason that this story should have been acknowledged by the order a long time ago: I cannot let my love for the Society inspire me to "help" it by refusing to talk about the bad news. And every day that I didn't mention the story, I felt I was doing that. And I especially don't want to do it because I'm trying to talk a network into buying a show that says "despite whatever you may have heard to the contrary, there are good and, in fact, holy men in this order." So there's the link. They story speaks for itself, and then some.
When I was in Chicago, the first whispers of this story were in the wind. Well, obviously, given the timeline, they weren't the first whispers of the story itself. But the first whispers of the fact that the story was about to make Big Splashy Headlines, and that the Jesuit superiors were not going to come out of it looking good. Because of that, there was a lot of hair on fire about the fact that I was staying in a Jesuit residence. I was staying there because I'd been invited -- but I'd been invited either before it became obvious that the story was about to break, or simply without anyone having done the math. (I seriously doubt it was the latter.) So suddenly I was hearing a lot of (supposedly) behind my back whispering about the possible devastating effects of "the media" staying in the house.
Link to Karen Hall's original full page post (here)

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