Monday, October 8, 2007

“The Beatification Of Jesuit Father Pietro Kassui Kibe And His 187 Companions”.

Nagasaki, November 24 2008, Catholic martyrs to be beatified
The announcement was made by the Japanese Bishop’s Conference. Card. Saraiva Martins, Prefect of the Congregation for the Cause of the Saints will be present at the ceremony. Archbishop of Tokyo: preserving the faith gifted to us by our predecessors by their own blood, in our hearts.

Tokyo (AsiaNews) – The beatification ceremony for 188 Japanese martyrs killed in the XVII for their faith will take place next year on Nov. 24 in Nagasaki. The public announcement was made by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Japan (CBCJ) spokesman Fr. Manyo Maeda, who read a letter sent by the Vatican to Conference president Msgr. Takeo Okada, bishop of Tokyo.
Card. Saraiva Martins, who heads the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints will represent Pope Benedict XVI at the ceremony, the first beatification to be conducted in Japan. According to Fr. Isao Hashimoto, Nagasaki Diocesan chancellor, over 20 faithful have already declared their intent to participate in the mass. In a letter to Japan’s Catholics Msgr. Okada announced the Vatican’s decision with “great joy” and added: “I hope we take to heart the meaning of the treasure our predecessors in the faith left us”. Among the 188 Japanese martyrs killed in the XVII century for their faith there were priests, nuns and lay: the cause has become known as “the beatification of Fr. Kibe and his 187 companions”. Jesuit Father Pietro Kassui Kibe, a convert to Christianity, had fled persecution from the government to Rome where he entered the Society of Jesus and was ordained priest. He returned to Japan to carry out his ministry among the oppressed faithful and in 1639 was captured tortured and killed in Tokyo.

Link to original article (here)

Peter Kasui Kibé, S.J. (Japanese: 1587-1639) was an educated descendent of Japanese sailors and was exiled to Macao by a Shogun. Then he traversed Persia en route to Jerusalem, then to Rome to be ordained. He returned to the Orient and spent several years in clandestine ministry to Christian fugitives along the Mekong River (today's Thailand). He finally reached Japan and worked underground until his capture. He was then tortured and hung over the famous "sulfur pits" until he died. (JLx) Link (here)

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