Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jesuit Union, Ministry Or Just Plain Politics?

Workers not "raw resources", Jesuit tells WorkChoices protesters Jesuit Fr Peter Norden has told an anti-WorkChoices union rally in Melbourne that workers cannot be treated as "just another economic commodity". The Herald-Sun reports that Fr Nordern said such treatment "presents a barrier to starting a family"."With little bargaining power, you're forced to accept positions with lesser conditions," he said."How can a bloke be expected to support a family, to contribute to society, or to plan for the future?" Some media reports downplayed the numbers who turned out to the rally because Labor is perceived by some to have reneged on its promise to abolish WorkChoices. But Trades Hall secretary Brian Boyd insisted he was delighted with the turnout, claiming that up to 40,000 people had defied the Australian Building and Construction Commission, and attended. Link to full article (here)

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