Friday, September 7, 2007

Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. And Fr. Owen Kearns, L.C. On The National Catholic Register

The most widely know Jesuit in the world,
Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. is an integral part the worlds largest Catholic television, radio and web network EWTN. I am currently watching his prime time show (Sept. 05, 2007) EWTN Live, he is interviewing Fr. Owen Kearns, L.C., They are discussing the history and impact of the Legion of Christ's, The National Catholic Register.
Fr. Kearns talks about how the Register is focusing of the Church's impact on the lay culture in America, not necessarily the inner workings of the church and theology. The Register has a circulation of about 30,000 readers every week. Fr. Kearns talk about how subscribers look forward to their Register in the mail, he followed up with this comment, "Does anyone really look forward to the N.Y. Times?"

Writers of the Register, look to find the critical truth from anti-Catholic subject matter. "When we write an article on abortion, we call Planned Parenthood and get a quote right from the source. We then give an authentic Catholic response to the complex issues facing American Catholics." Fr. Kearns went on to say, "We focus on Catholic principles and guidelines."
Truth is a key element of The Register, Fr. Kearns focuses his words with this statement, "Whether you are Catholic or protestant, the important thing is 'Do you love the truth', if you love truth, you will love The Register."
I have closed the combox on this subject, thanks to those who participated.

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