Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fr. Donald McGuire, S.J. A Disgrace

Priest faces suit in abuse claims
Man on probation for previous case
By Manya A. Brachear Tribune religion reporter
August 22, 2007

A prominent Jesuit priest convicted of molesting two Loyola Academy students during the 1960s was accused this week of abusing another boy as recently as 2003.In a lawsuit filed Tuesday, a 21-year-old college student says Rev. Donald McGuire molested him between 1999 and 2003 while the teen shared a bedroom with the priest in Canisius House, a Jesuit residence in Evanston. The suit accuses McGuire of abusing the boy in 12 states and six countries as he traveled the globe providing spiritual retreats. Read the full article (here)


  1. Wouldn't that be something if Fr. McGuire was actually innocent of these more recent charges as well as the prior charges. His entire life seems to be a testament against these charges. I wonder how many innocent priests' lives have been ruined by false charges? Of course, this is not to lessen the true crimes and victims by molesters inside and outside of the Church.

  2. I happen to know that these allegations are true. It is amazing how the more famous you are the more innocent that makes you. This is precisely why these perpetrators get away with their crimes for so long. People like you would have to admit that you were taken in and fooled by these sick persons. We were all fooled. They are experts at their games.

    There will be more victims that will come out of hiding and will give other victims the courage to face this monster.

    Since you are not involved why don't you publish your name for everyone to see.

  3. I have known Fr. McGuire since around the age of 7. I had a poor relationship with my family and had nowhere to turn. In the many times I was alone with him, never once did he be anything but a friend and an adult I am proud to say I looked up to.

    "I happen to know that these allegations are true." Brave words from a person who posted anonymously. Also balsy to ask the other person to state their name.

    It is a shame that the some lowlife here and there sees the Catholic church as a cash register once an allegation starts to hold water.

    Even the judge in the latest accusation said he had his doubts of his guilt.

    I will be happy to stand trial in his defense and let the world see my face and know my name - unlike the cowards accusing him as John Doe.

  4. It was inconceivable that he could be found innocent. He has now (Feb. 2009) been convicted and sentenced to over 25 years in federal prison (beyond the upper limit of the range -- hurrah for the courageous judge!) for his latest crimes -- only the tip of the iceberg, but just in any analysis. Barring appeals and shenanigans by his despicable legal counsel (who has said that the plaintiff are only trying to get money from the Catholic church and the Jesuits), he will go his grave a prisoner and a convicted felon. May God give his victims and anyone else whose life he adversely affected some measure of peace.

  5. I was present at a SNAP news conference in front of St. Ignatius church in San Francisco on 2/23/09.

    The attorney who is pursuing Donald McGuire is his nephew. It seems that McGuire is unable to stop visiting sexual violence upon innocent children.

    I cannot tell you how delighted to learn of these new charges against McGuire and his Jesuit enablers! Hooray!!!

  6. The city attorney of Evanston should seize Canisius House under the RICO laws. There were several other priests living at that house during the time that McGuire had "Victim 9" sharing his bedroom. They tried to make the court believe that McGuire sneaked the boy in...For Four Years.

    If they had been running a meth lab, the city would have no problem confiscating this near-lakefront estate that would bring in a considerable amount of taxes. Instead, the Jesuits get to hide felons there with no transparency at all.


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