Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Creighton Says, "No" To Anne Lamott

Jesuit university drops speech by abortion/euthanasia supporter

Omaha, Aug. 28, 2007 (CWNews.com) - An American Jesuit university has announced the cancellation of a lecture that was to have been delivered on campus by an author who supports legal abortion and euthanasia. Creighton University officials disclosed on August 27 that the school and author Anne Lamott "have mutually agreed" to shelve plans for an appearance by Lamott that had been scheduled for September 19. The Jesuit university, located in Nebraska, had drawn intense criticism after the announcement that Lamott-- the author of several novels and non-fiction works-- had been chosen to speak on campus as part of a continuing series of lectures on Women and Health. Lamott has written and spoken in favor of legal abortion, and revealed that she aborted her own child. A proponent of euthanasia as well, she also has written about her experience in helping a friend to end her own life. After a flurry of criticism, roused primarily by Catholic blog sites, Creighton announced that Lamott's public disagreement with Church moral teaching "makes makes her an inappropriate choice for the Women and Health Lecture Series."

Original article (here)

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