Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"Leave The Guitar At Home!" Say's Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J.

"Motu Proprio" is Latin for "many posts"

So said TS at the blog with the long Latin name starting with Video.

I just watched EWTN discussion of Summorum Pontificum and it was quite good. One part of it was really funny and I feel almost sorry for the person who called in.

Caller: My question is that I am a guitarist and I have been serving at the Mass for 27 odd years and I can remember the old Mass as a child. My question is how can I as a guitarist fit in in the Latin Mass.

Raymond Arroyo: Fr. Kenneth Baker I will let you take a shot at that one.

Fr. Baker: I can say well get a nice missal with Latin on one side and English on the other and attend it, but don't bring your guitar. Because a guitar is not a liturgical instrument for the Traditional Latin Mass. It's the organ or various kinds of musicians. The guitar doesn't fit into that. It's not part of the ritual. I think it is important to realize that the Mass of Blessed John XXIII it's all set exactly how it is suppose to be done. That is people have to learn that when they receive Communion that they have to kneel to receive Communion, they have to receive Communion on the tongue and things like that. There are no altar girls allowed for the Latin Mass and these are the rules and this is the Mass that has been authorized. People are so far removed from it that many of them don't realize these things and it's why it is going to take time. I think it is going to take ten years for this thing to really come back, it will start really slow. The Pope himself says most priests don't know this and they are not familiar with the liturgy, therefore it is not going to be very common to begin with. But I think it is going to grow as time goes by one of our parishioners told me that he and his wife decided last night the difference between ordinary and extraordinary that Americans like things that are extraordinary and therefore the Latin Mass will attract a lot of people because it is now considered to be extraordinary. I thought that was interesting.

Hat Tip
The Curt Jestor (here)

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